MFP Manufacturer  | InfoTrans Co. Ltd.

MFP Manufacturer CASE

HOMECase StudiesMFP Manufacturer 

Request Details

  • Creation of web manuals for products intended for overseas markets
  • HTML translation in 5 languages
  • Translation of UI text in 5 languages
  • Building a Translation Memory(TM) from past translation data

Customer Issues

We want to reduce future translation costs for the continuous model.

We request planned delivery arrangements that match the product release schedule.

Details of implementation

We translated the User Interface(UI) text and HTML for the web manual of a product intended for overseas rollout and created a new Translation Memory(TM). The project involved translating from English into five languages: Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Korean, Thai, and Vietnamese. During the TM creation process, we estimated the costs and delivery timeline based on the number of segments and confirmed the budget with the client prior to execution.

InfoTrans Approach

By requesting us to create a Translation Memory (TM)—a database of source and target sentence pairs—you can reduce costs by categorizing sentences into groups such as NoMatch, 100% Match, Repetition, and FuzzyMatch, with unit prices set based on the match rate. For example, when creating a manual for A2, the successor to Product A1, if 70% of the content can be reused from A1’s TM, translation costs will only apply to the remaining 30%. The TM can also be utilized across different product lines. Additionally, by storing and reusing previously translated content in a sentence-based database, you can ensure consistency in style and terminology, even when the translator or project manager changes, ultimately enhancing the overall translation quality.

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